Egg Laying.... it's a sign! = Update!!!


8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
SE Wisconsin
[So, my EE hens were hatched on 3/23 (according to the feed store I got them from) that makes them nearly 18 weeks old and I'm waiting patiently for them to start laying eggs.

This week, Piggly Wiggly (aka the grocery store) has eggs on sale, buy a dozen get a dozen free. There are only 2 of us living here and we don't really need 2 dozen eggs, but it's a deal so I bought them.

Think this may mean my girls will begin laying this week? I'm hoping so!!!

UPDATE: Got my first egg yesterday (Wed, 7/27)... buying all those eggs worked!!!!
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My crew was hatched on march 4th and one is an ee and today I recieved two little eggs from the leghorns.
I'm still waiting for colored eggs too
I may have counted wrong, who knows either way ...I want them to lay eggs NOW !!! But I know they will do so when they feel right...I'm just so impatient :) Now I know how all the moms feel when waiting to become grandma :0)
I have 1 Light Brahma, 1 Jersey Giant, 2 Barred Rocks and 2 EE's that were hatched around Valentine's Day and I have yet to get a single egg from them. Isn't it time for them to start laying? Could it be the extreme heat? Does that have an effect on egg laying? It's been in the lower 100's around here with an even higher heat index. I'm getting so impatient!
Ah you probably have a few week s yet my EEs are 20 weeks nothin yet from them. But the BSLs and GSLs and WLHs are laying almost every day I had 5 brown and 2 white eggs today.....Its hard to wait but they will come
My oldest EE is 20 weeks this Wednsday and no sign of laying yet. I hope it's soon. I don't have my first egg yet and all the oldest 3 are all the same age.
Chickens are 19 weeks and nothing, I got an asterlorps ( 3) and she is acting funny when I go near her, bending down some when I pet her, I figure soon. I know how you all feel I can not wait either! And it's not hot here, 65 yesterday and 38 this morning!

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