Egg Laying Patterns


10 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Birmingham, AL
I was just wondering what causes decrease in egg production and what can I do to increase it. They are give a diet of layer feed along with a bowl to side if oyster shell. Their grazing treats are corn and lettuces of which I think I will stop the corn as I heard it was not good during the summer or hot months
Higher protein will help if laying has dropped off. Most layer feeds are around 15-16% protein and adding a bit more can help out. I've also been told that giving them hot pepper (no, they don't feel the hot, birds don't have receptors for that) makes them lay more as well.

Corn making them "hot" is an old tale. I would still cut back on it though because each low protein thing you add to the mix just makes their available protein lower. The green things are good for them!
The hen's age, changes in weather and the seasons, changes in general (like a new coop or new members in the flock) and parasites (internal or external) can effect egg production.

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