Egg laying slowing down?


Feb 24, 2017
Is it normal for my hens to slow down on their egg laying this time of year? They just started laying in July and the past week or 2 have went from laying 1 a day to every other day to now just every few days. Is it the weather change? I live in Oklahoma so the weather hasn't changed drastically. I'm a first timer so wasn't sure if I should check for something else. I feed them 21% protein feed, snacks, egg shells, etc. They get plenty of fresh water. I haven't noticed any lice or mites. They all seem super healthy. Thanks!!
If they are over a 1 1/2 years they are getting ready to molt. If they are this year's pullets they will still slow down if you aren't extending the daylight hours with light. Yes chickens slow down laying this time of year.
It means that they are getting ready to molt, also, it may mean that they need more calcium. Hope this helps! :)
The feed at 21% is pretty high in protein.
Not that it is the reason for the slowdown. Just something that caught my attention. I feed 18% during molting and 16% the rest of the year.

The days are getting shorter. All of mine have always slowed or fully stopped this time of year. Since yours are young they should slow but still lay this first winter.
The feed at 21% is pretty high in protein.
Not that it is the reason for the slowdown. Just something that caught my attention. I feed 18% during molting and 16% the rest of the year.

The days are getting shorter. All of mine have always slowed or fully stopped this time of year. Since yours are young they should slow but still lay this first winter.
Caught my eye too, but they are feeding snacks also.

They just started laying in July
So I assume they are are about 8-9 months old?

Shortening days will slow them all down...pullet may molt, or not....may keep laying, or not. No guarantees, lots of variables in egg production.

Do you free range?
Might they be laying out in range area?

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