Egg Laying


5 Years
Jun 18, 2016
I know this question has been asked time and time again but can’t seem to find answers. We have 5 backyard chickens. They have a great coop and are let outside to roam around the yard after lunch. They have plenty of fresh water and are fed organic layer feed from Tractor Supply. We recently added a feather grower type feed after molting. We have one Easter egger that moulted mid November, stopped laying eggs and to this day not one! We get on average about 6 eggs a wee with 5 chickens. This has gone on for several months. None are moulting, seem healthy, we have a light that comes on about 5:00 am. What are we missing? We love them and are attached to them but I 100 percent got them for eggs and was so surprised to become so attached. But, would like them to start paying rent if you know what I mean. Any advice? We are at a loss. We also have calcium in a bowl for them
Mine did the same, molted and didn't lay a single egg until a single egg was layed in December. They stopped since then but just yesterday there were 3 eggs from my 7 hen flock. I think natural light and molting, plus this unusually cruel winter (well at least cruel for everybody up here in Wisconsin) may have been factors. I wouldn't be too worried unless there still isn't anything when daylight savings end/starts or whatever in March.

I'm planning to start incubating some chicks in very early March, and I want them from my own flock, so I'm hoping I'll have some fresh ones for it!
I know this question has been asked time and time again but can’t seem to find answers. We have 5 backyard chickens. They have a great coop and are let outside to roam around the yard after lunch. They have plenty of fresh water and are fed organic layer feed from Tractor Supply. We recently added a feather grower type feed after molting. We have one Easter egger that moulted mid November, stopped laying eggs and to this day not one! We get on average about 6 eggs a wee with 5 chickens. This has gone on for several months. None are moulting, seem healthy, we have a light that comes on about 5:00 am. What are we missing? We love them and are attached to them but I 100 percent got them for eggs and was so surprised to become so attached. But, would like them to start paying rent if you know what I mean. Any advice? We are at a loss. We also have calcium in a bowl for them
Is the 5am light on a timer...and how long has it been running??
How old are they, in months?
Did they all molt in fall?
What breeds?
EE's can be sporadic layers, can depend on what cross they used.
Eggs are a seasonal food, even with lights.
Like Blooie sez...they're not Pez dispensers:lol:

It is frustrating...if you want continuous eggs all year around, it's best to add new layers each spring...even then you may have eggless times.
Supplemental light helps, and should be used to create 14 hours of light per day to help with egg laying through the winter. A natural break occurs with molting, irregardless of supplemental light.

We installed electric in the coop late fall, including a timer to control the light. The chickens (under a year old) had been decreasing their laying noticeably, but hadn’t stopped. With the light their laying picked up and remains consistent. However, we have heritage breeds and with the cold winter we get 5-6 eggs per day average out of 10 layers. As low as 3 eggs/day and as many as 8 eggs/day through this winter.

Good luck, I understand wanting the girls to lay those yummy eggs!

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