Egg pricing by the dozen


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 25, 2008
Buckley, Washington

I've sold some eggs recently.
Silkies-- $2.00 a dozen
Green eggs--$5.00 a dozen
Brown eggs--$3.00 a dozen
Should I change the price and make it higher or should I keep them priced the way they are?
You're doing very well! I've also found that colored eggs have the interest of buyers in my area.

Like Josie, I wonder how quickly they are selling. Are you selling all you have?
We sell the brown eggs $3/doz or 2 doz/$5. With organic eggs around $3/dozen (some places a little higher, some a little lower) we found we can't sell them for any more than that. Without the quantity discount, most only buy 1 dozen but at 2/$5, I can sell 4 dozen at a time without a problem. I think that's great that you are getting $5/doz for the green ones!! (I also do my bantam eggs $2/doz.)
Thank you all for answering my egg price question.We have 3 Americanas ( they have tufted cheeks so the are mixed with Areucanas), 2 silkies, 3 Buff Orphs. 3 lace tipped Wynodottes.

I'm selling the eggs to make money for our feeding mission. We cook every week for about 90-100 people and growing.
These eggs are used for the meal too.
We pay about $11.and change (My husband buys it)
at the feed store for.

The chickens are darn cute and they give you something back!
Oh my word! How many eggs do you get a week if you're feeding so many people and still have enough to sell?
We are not making just eggs for the feed, but we do use the eggs if the recipe calls for t. THis week we will be making meatloaf. We'll use the eggs for that meal.

Today our garden for the feeding mission was planted in one of our fields. We will use the veggies for the feeding mission . We'll also can and freeze when we have a abundance of crops.

Thanks for your reply. Chris (AKA Barney)
We were giving away all our extras and people kept trying to give us
money. We finally settled on $2 a dozen to cover the feed expense.
Barney I applaud you. Your doing a great service to humanity. My 22 year old daughter was just talking to me about trying to start something similiar here. She just don't know how to get started, got any tips for her? Sure would appreciate it. She lost her sister last year and this is the first thing she has really shown interest in since.

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