Egg Production


Apr 7, 2018
We have fed Dumor layer crumbles since we got chickens 6 years ago. but about 6 months ago the production really laid off. Our oldest chickens are 2. We just bought some 18-month-old chickens. They were laying better when we got them. The guy was feeding a custom-made feed. Large eggs and good production. But recently that production has gone down. Coop is clean, they get free fed. We don't have a rooster. I'm wondering if anyone else has problems with their feed and egg production. Thanks
Chickens don't like change, it will take a while for them to acclimate to a new surroundings. They'll start again when they feel safe.
Switch to an all flock feed or a grower feed since roosters shouldn't eat layer and 16% protein is a bit low for your average laying hen
Age of your pullets/hens make a difference as do their fee and living conditions.
What breed is your "older" 2yr olds? Suspecting the addition to the flock has something to do with their egg production. Coop maybe clean but is it "enough" room ... How many chickens vs size of coop/run? I'm sure the 18mo olds egg production is due to the change in feed change and new surroundings.

I purchase feed from a TSC outlet, when I first started raising chickens fed the most "economical" feed they had. They then started changing brands and went to Dumor, one bag is all I used. My girls ate it but I didn't like the results; poop color, mushy & stick which attracted flies. I switched to Purina Flock Raiser and don't regret it at all. Poop quality got better and flies disappeared, egg production has always been good. I do pay more but results is why I won't switch.

2x @nuthatched
I agree it may be as simple as introducing new birds. Political posturing takes energy, and a bit less space for everyone. Spending more time with them for a while can help. They like having their favourite human around. Especially if you have no rooster.

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