Egg questions


Aug 4, 2022
Hey , I have 6 chickens. Mix of Isa browns and Americanas. The Isas have not layed any eggs since end of summer and Americanas have never layed an egg. They will be 1 year old this May. Any ideas on why this could happen ? I used to feed them producers pride layer mix and now switched to Dumor but am wondering if I should switch that as well?
If you have Kalmbach available try the 20% flock Raiser. Let us know how it works for you. I have no affiliate ties to Kalmbach, it's just what I use and it works for me. Along with using the 20% flock raiser, give them additional oyster shell as well.
Purena Feather Fixer might help as well. Both are more geared toward a healthy gut system, therefore helping the hen to do what she was meant to do naturally.
I have tried the cheaper feeds alongside a couple of the more expensive ones and have found that in the long run the more expensive ones are actually cheaper because they don't need to eat as much to be satisfied.
In my experience Isas need more protein than is in a standard feed. I feed Dumor as well, but mine free range and stuff themselves up on grass and protein.
As Mayalys we start with the Dumor Chick Starter and transition to the Dumor Layer and never had a problem with egg laying even through winter with no light stimulation here in New Jersey. Ours get all day free range as well. I will say we have always had Rock type birds

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