Egg Questions!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
I have been getting eggs for the past 6 to 8 weeks. I have 16 chickens 4 of which are still a few weeks from laying. I'm getting up to 11 eggs on some days. I have a few questions about the appearance of some of the eggs. There is usually one egg a day that has brown looking specs on it. They wash off if I scrub a little, when removed the shell has white spots where the brown was. What are the brown spots? Blood? Are the eggs still ok when this happens?

I also sometimes get eggs that are uneven in color, some have shades of white on them and some eggs that I have got look like they have been scatched.

Any ideas on any of these will be appreciated. Thanks
All that is natural. The brown color is just a coating on the outside of white, so if you get it before it "sets", you can wipe some of it off, including the speckles, as you found out. The uneven color is just that-color being deposited unevenly. All of the eggs are just fine.
Not meaning to intrude but...

We have a pullet that started laying eggs yesterday, she layed a nice pastel green color.. today we got from the same pullet ((we think)) a darker greenish with brown speckles... so now we're all confused because my mom had the idea that their first egg and on ((until they get 2-3 yrs older at least)) the egg is the same color... my question is..

Was it the same pullet we think it was? Or was it a differant one?

Do they lay the same color egg from the start??

Again, sorry to steal the post but, the topic IS Egg QuestionS!!

Thanks for your help!!
They lay the same color, but not necessarily the same shade of that color. So, it may not be the same EXACT SHADE of the SAME COLOR, if you get what I'm saying. Further into the cycles, the eggs will get lighter and lighter. One hen's brown egg may be covered in speckles one time and have very few the next, but she'll always be a brown egglayer.

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