Egg Sac Half The Size Of Movement!!times Running Out!!!!


10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
stumptown CA
Ok so as most of you know ive had 8 rir eggs under my oegb broody.its day 21/22.and i havent seen worried.should i poke a hole im the air sac and try to help the chick or what?ive been waiting and waiting and i dont wanna beleive their broody is a first timer so idk if she knows when to stop rotating,since we gave her the eggs 6 days into her broody stage.what should i do?ADVICE?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?
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Never had any under a broody hen, but I'd just leave them be and see what happens, at least for a few more days. Anyone else?
They could just take a little longer, use a small flashlight to candle them, usually you can see them poking at the air sac. or put them to your ear to listen for peeping, or feel for pecking.

i have turned eggs all 21days and had awesome hatches, i wouldnt worry about that, when she feels them she will stop and let them hatch.

DONT poke them open...a lot of times this causes weak chicks, the hatching helps them more than you know. plus its a good sign that its a healthy chick, if you need to help them they might not make it anyhow.

good luck
That was my thinking too. Anything can affect the hatching--maybe she got off the nest for a few extra hours and slowed their development--who knows. If they're dead, it won't hurt her to sit on them a few more days, and then you'll know. If they're struggling to get out of the shell, you will only make it harder for them by removing them from her temp & humidity-controlled nest. And trying to help them out of the shell before they've even pipped is more likely to kill them than help them. So I'd just wait and see. I know that's hard to do!
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!is this okay?um i candled and the air sacs grew to like half the egg when you look at the egg candled its half black and half is that supposed to happen cuz wouldnt the chicks be really small or dead?
I'm sorry--I don't know--it doesn't sound right to me either, but I don't have enough experience to tell you if it's definitely bad. Personally, I'd still give it more time, especially if it doesn't smell bad. Could be they all dehydrated too much, although I can't imagine why if they're under a broody.

Still, it won't hurt to give them more time.
At this late date in incubation you shouldn't be messing with the eggs to candle....whether they're in an incubator or under a broody.

The air cell should be at least 1/3 of the egg and the other part at this point in time would be all dark.

Leave them alone and let mother nature take over.
That's not a bad egg that's a chick that should be hatching. That HUGE draw down happens the day it should hatch, half the egg suggests that the egg was porous and the chick is DRY and stuck.

While helping some chicks that aren't hatching because they are defective is a chance you do take when helping. Nature is not perfect, and healthy chicks do become trapped and do FINE for a lifetime after being helped out.

It's a personal choice. I help and I watch. Most will go on to do well. Some will fail and not thrive that is true.

But many things go wrong under broodies and in incubation and I prefer to save a life and see.

I'd help it out now.

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