egg shells

Woodmort - I stopped feeding the shells back to my hens long ago, because I had read that they are not nearly as good a source of calcium as oyster shell, which I always provide free-choice anyway. Thoughts?
In ages past, how many chickens in the interior Canada, US, Europe, etc, had access to oyster shells? The basic mineral is calcium. Calcium carbonate being one of the most common compounds. The element is found in many sources beside oyster shell, although, oyster shell is an excellent, concentrated source. It just isn't the only source. In fact, most garden plants are superior in providing calcium in a digestible form. The chicken litter we use for compost on the gardens is high in calcium, having been excreted by the hens. The plants take up the calcium and the chicken eats the plants. Element cycle. Matter being neither created nor destroyed.

May sound like heresy, but I've never purchased oyster shells. Not once in 50 years. Our shells are hard as rocks and tough to crack and all our customers remark about that fact as well. If I fed Flock Raiser 100%, I'd likely provide them.

Just some rambling thoughts.
FEED IT! It works!
Woodmort - I stopped feeding the shells back to my hens long ago, because I had read that they are not nearly as good a source of calcium as oyster shell, which I always provide free-choice anyway. Thoughts?

I answered this in a PM but will also answer it here: If eggs shells are your only source of calcium it is going to be a case of diminishing returns because it takes more calcium to cover an egg that is in the shell. Therefore it is a good idea if you're getting thin eggs shells to have other sources of calcium available either from natural sources--bugs are good ones--or free-choice oyster shell. I just toss the shells back to the birds because--as I said above--they don't compost very well so they go into the bucket with the other scraps that go to the chickens. It isn't going to hurt them but I sure as heck won't process them first.
I have started to add our shells back along with oyster shells and they seem to like both.
I just chuck the shells out the door when I use them & they run over and gobble them up! & they don't eat their own eggs.

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