Egg size slowly reduced

i have a large mixed flock of a few of about everything : australorps, easter eggers, leghorns, barred rocks, white rocks, brahmas, and iso browns. They are all about a year old, and free range. They have plenty of fresh water and 18 percent layer pellets, as well as occasional scratch grains. All are healthy and happy. I have noticed that i am getting a lot more medium sized eggs now. I raised them all from chicks last spring and got lots of large eggs as soon as they started laying last summer and fall. They even layed last winter. I have noticed that i am getting a lot more medium sized eggs now, when a large percentage previously were much bigger. Nothing has changed in their diet or anything else and they have oyster shell available. Any ideas why this is happening?
My girls are 15 months old and I got mostly xl and jumbo and even a couple of xj a week.
But since hot weather kicked in about 3 weeks ago, most eggs are xl and large.
I suspect the heat. Has it been hot out your way? GC
Weather can affect egg production for sure, as for size as I tell my customers
" they are not machines!!"

I have 18% and 20% feed on hand and I switch it up sometimes , interesting how excited they get when I feed a handful of the other protein amounts,
Maybe try that and see if it ups egg size ..

Good luck,
Never a dull moment


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My girls are 15 months old and I got mostly xl and jumbo and even a couple of xj a week.
But since hot weather kicked in about 3 weeks ago, most eggs are xl and large.
I suspect the heat. Has it been hot out your way? GC

Well, as to the reply about trying 20 percent, that isnt an option here.., none avail. As to weather, we have had some hot days as much as 85 to 90.but temps have generally been lower than usual..we did have a week of total rain about 3 weeks ago, and tornadoes..but overall temps lower than normal here in Indiana summer. Last summer,after hens had started laying, we had many days of major heat but they laid fine thru that and also thru a mild winter but had some very cold days mixed in.. 6 degrees up to 10 several general it was warmer than Indiana we say uf u dont like the weather, just wait a few days and it Will change. So, no major heat here. And u was getting many xl to jumbo eggs so far. But just noticed many now are medium..which customers view as lesser value,,but none have said anything so far. But its just now come to my mind that sizes have generally changed from what i was getting previously. Any other ideas? Thx very much to all who have replied so far,, your input is always welcome, appreciated, and considered.

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