Egg song no eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
I just got some chicks in June from a friend and I have one hen and one Rooster. The hen is due to start laying but she isn't. My friend and I have combed the yard for eggs many times and have searched all hiding places. Three times I have heard "the egg song" ,which my friend says is a sound they make when they are laying an egg, and both of us have run to the coop and found her walking out but there is no egg. I don't know what is wrong. I started them on layer feed a couple weeks ago, there is a heat lamp in their coop which is on all the time, and they get the run of the yard all day. Does anyone have a clue what may be the cause? I have read the article on no eggs and I don't know what could be the cause... please help! Thanks.
The egg song can come a few weeks before they start laying. Is she squatting (if startled she bends forward with her wings out and stays very still)? That starts a little closer to when they start laying.
Dont worry, somtimes there just late.
Also hens dont lay as many eggs in the winter, so because she is new to this it, and its getting colder. she may be a bit late.
Does she squat when approached? Are her comb and wattles red and waxy? What breed is she? Some breeds lay sooner than others. Some come into maturity quickly and some slowly. I have 24 weeks old hens of different breeds. About half started laying 3 weeks ago. The rest, well, we're still waiting. My Brahma's are a slow maturing breed. I may not get eggs from them for several weeks yet, though they are squatting. Just will happen.
I think she might've squatted and her comb is quite red though I don't know about "waxy" but her cheeks are blue. She is a black bantam silkie.
Sorry for sounding so stupid there guys I was thinking of the rooster when I said her waddles are "quite red" but they are waxy I hope she will lay soon! Thanks for all the help everyone!!

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