Egg storage


10 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Moscow, Rusia
Hi people
I have one question (i don`t know where i can ask that, and write right here). Well, anybody can me tell about the rules of eggs - trading, storage, cocking? Here i have one little problem - i begin to have too much duck-eggs. Last time it no was any problem, i boil it or fry this eggs. But after some time i begin to eat the eggs of the ducks on the breackfast, on the lunch an dinner, and always have some eggs more. Well, i think i need to sell it.
The situation of the duck-eggs here are next: we have "Hygiene requirements for use for food purposes duck and goose eggs, and eggs from farms, dysfunctional infectious disease of birds" (approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR from December 29, 1980 № 2281-80) and "Rules of veterinary sanitary examination of poultry eggs "(approved by the Chief veterinary Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR on June 1, 1981.).
But the rules is very unclear:
On the one hand it says that the eggs of ducks to sell food at all impossible, and then says that they can implement for cooking baking (high temperature treatment). And in the same: you can implement in special brewhouse bypassing warehouses for cooking "hash", salads and other foods. I'm really confused...
As i understand the duck eggs can be stored in refrigerator no longer as 7 days, and after this time the eggs are forbidden to eat.

Of course i live in Rusia and will use the local laws, but i have an interest - what rules (about the duck and goose eggs) are in another coutryes? For example if in America the shelf life of duck eggs are shorter as in the Rusia i will use american rules (because it not be a violation of Russian law). And if it will be longer - i will use russian storage standarts.

About the goose-eggs - here are the shelf life 7 days, the chiken-eggs - 30 days (and the traiding of chiken eggs here don`t have so much rules).

I asked about that in russian forums, but the opinions were divided - somebody tell that the duck-eggs all are poisoned, anybody write that i can sell it and tell about trading of the goose and duck eggs in the market. I eat 3-4 duck eggs every day (more as 1 year yet), and i am not dead
I really don`t know - maybe i need to boil all the duck eggs 15 minutes before the traiding (to eating raw duck eggs is prohibited, anyone will do that and next i will have serious problems width the law, and this man can be in the hospital?).

Can anyone tell me about american rules of duck traiding and storage, of course i will use russian standarts, but i have much interest to know the situation width the eggs everywhere.
Could you not sell them as fertilised eggs instead of eating eggs? Rules are different when you are not eating them. Do you have anything like ebay or Craigslist there?
Or you could make something like cakes from them and sell the cakes? I am also working on recipes for dog birthday cakes at the moment because rules are different than human cakes

I am from UK but that is how I get rid of my surplus.
How are the ones in your incubator doing?
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Could you not sell them as fertilised eggs instead of eating eggs? Rules are different when you are not eating them. Do you have anything like ebay or Craigslist there?
Or you could make something like cakes from them and sell the cakes? I am also working on recipes for dog birthday cakes at the moment because rules are different than human cakes

I am from UK but that is how I get rid of my surplus.
How are the ones in your incubator doing?
I don`t use (and don`t need now) the Internet for trading, our "village" are more as 2500 men (they are not farmers, work anywhere and need various food), and i sell the chiken-eggs to my neigbours, to any workers who work here. Here only some people have some fowl, sometimes 2-3 chikens, guinea fowl or quail, but the volumes of trading are very small, i don`t have any serious competitors. Nearest little shop are 1,5 km from here and eggs there is often very stale, nearest supermarket - 23 km from here . Last summer i had only 7 chikens (and some durks, turkey, geese, but for the trading of the eggs i used only chikens), and always i had a list of the people who need the eggs, they asked about that and waiting when i will have some eggs. Now i begin to buy more chikens and another fowl.
But the ducks and geese and one turkey (now i have only one turkey, another turkey was eaten) lay the eggs every day, and i begin to have too much eggs for eat. Of course i can begin a serious incubation, but i have the interest to sell the eggs too (for the eat). Frankly sometimes is easier to selling eggs than carve adult bird for meat. The people here need the eggs too.

My little incubator are full of the eggs (i removed the frames and put there 25 duck eggs and one goose egg. "Standart settings" are only 24 eggs of the ducks ))) , i put there 2 eggs more ))) But now is too early.
In this spring i get some goslings from the eggs, but one gosling is dead (he can not hatch, only make a hole and dead), some eggs was unfertilized (the people on another forum tell me that if the goose-girl are very young first eggs can be unfertilized. Next eggs must be fertilized. Of course i have enough goose-boys, and they do... i don`t remember this word in english, they make love or anything like that. Some goslings was sold, and now i have only two young goslings, they are very funny and i will not sell it. And i have 17 adult gooses.
The incubator are full and i can`t put there more eggs. Next incubator i will can buy only in the summer, when i will have enough money. I spent heavily this spring, we have redecorated the room my parents, put new floors, removed the old stove (now i have much free briks, i will can use it anywhere) and bought new wardrobes with mirrors instead of the old, they were very terrible, and the old floor was erased almost all holes

Well, i will sell some eggs. But i have an interest to the rules of the traiding. The russian internet have much conflicting information, some say that the duck eggs sell well because they have no place to buy, others - that it is generally illegal because duck eggs deteriorate very quickly. I'm really confused. Now i use the eggs of the ducks, for my breakfast, but the ducks lay more eggs as i can eat or incubate now. When i will have more ducks i will really have some serious problems width the eggs. I am not sure that the people will buy all the ducklings. I sell only in my village, i am not sure that i will begin any traiding in another places (frankly i don`t have any interest to traiding anywhere more as in my village).

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