Egg-Sucking Dog Caught In The Act! Grrrr!

Back many moons ago, I had a friend doing some raccoon research on 'egg-aversion. The study tainted eggs with estrogen. This had the effect of making the raccoons sick when they ate the eggs. (think morning sickness) The idea was to see if the mother raccoons would teach her young to also avoid eggs. I don't think it worked but I found it funny that they tainted the eggs with hormones.

Anyhow, I'd use a training collar on the dog. Shouldn't take more than one or two zaps and then you wouldn't have to tie the dog up all the time. Much nicer to the dog in the long run. You'd also be amazed how well behaved a dog is when it realizes it's master can reach out and enforce rules at anytime.
Any way you can put a piece of wood like a stick of 2x2 or something, across the pop door, so the chickens can get past it and the dog can't? halfway down, or catty corner maybe? Just a thought. Chickens will slip by it I'm sure, mine cram through spaces if they want to bad enough.
I think i can talk my hubby into modifying the opening of the chicken door to hopefully keep the dog out. The opening is already pretty small and i wouldn't want to make it any smaller or my fat-butted brahmas wouldn't be able to get in
. Maybe the last idea about adding an obstacle or angle just inside the door will make it difficult for the dog but still possible for the girls to get in. Thanks for the ideas.

Oh my gosh, mine used to do that too. It wouldn't have been so bad except she's also a licker--everytime you touch/look/talk to her she slobbers all over you. Very gross when the dog licking on you has green poo stuck in her back teeth.

She's five now and outgrew the poo eating a couple of years ago thank goodness.
I sympathize with ya! I too have an egg sucking dog. Mine is a mini dachshund. If she gets to the coop before I do, she eats the eggs that some lay in the milk crates.
Before I realized she was eating the eggs, I left a full basket of them sitting on the kitchen table. The next morning half of the eggs were gone. I thought DH had taken them to work for his coworkers, UNTIL I saw egg shells all under the table. Darn dog!

She doesn't bother the chickens, but loves eggs! So now she gets hardboiled eggs at least a few times a week. Seems to help curb her appetite for eggs.

I read somewhere that raw eggs weren't good for dogs. Something in the egg makes it hard for the dog to absorb vitamins/minerals. Anyway, it isn't suppose to be good for them to have raw eggs, so I just hard boil them now.

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