Egg too small, duckling pipped, struggling to breathe, no noise, day 28 - pic attached

They had fun exploring the new digs and are ready for a nap 👍
How's the little one doing? I'm hoping it's going well 🙂

Now that I know how many I'll have (9), I've been working on a new playpen for the ducklings. It's not complete, but it's complete enough for them to have some fun in it. The final dimensions are 6'x30" (inside).

There's 3 bins at the end. One stays put. The others are to feed them and a pool. I can take them out for easy cleaning which is the best part 👍 Not that ducks are messy or anything 🤣. Oh, and the orange tray is for treats. I crushed done meal worms do the have something to do. For 30 seconds.

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Great job !! They will love it
My little one is doing okay. Still needing help but each day he gets a little better.
He has decided to under water dive but he can’t preen himself yet he tries but his neck doesn’t reach to his oil gland so I gently used my finger to rib a few times like he would abs rubbed his back. It seemed to have worked as he stayed dry the next time. First time he was soaking wet
He stand at his dishes for the most part but still falls sometimes so not ready to leave him in the pen yet. He sleeps in a little tub with his favourite blanket that he snuggles and hides under.
How are your little ones doing? Did the duckling with the crook neck straighten out? I've been wondering about her 🤞

I've decided to call them all "her" until I see a green head 😉
I’m lucky and my babies are able to be sex linked at birth so I Know he was a boy :)
At just short of 4 weeks I had to make a tough choice and have him put down
It sill makes me tear up talking about him
I did get his back bone to straighten to his neck and his crop to go from the side to centre with treatments from my back / neck guy. But unfortunately his neck bone itself had a sideways v in it causing ti be unable to get balance
He still couldn’t swim , stand , walk , preen eat or drink on his own.
He was living in a crate or on my lap 24/7 as he needed to be beside me at all times.
He was full of energy and tried so hard to get better but his neck bone was never going to go straight he was developed that way unfortunately:(
From what you describe I think you made the right choice, but in this case the "right choice" was a sad one :(
I did everything I possibly could to try and save him
He was my little sidekick and
Definitely won my heart over
I had vet bills at 700.00 and had every vitamin going in him daily
I don’t regret trying as I got to spend a month with a very special little one
After watching my new little ones do what ducklings do I know I made the right choice for him
It only would have got worse as he got bigger

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