egg tricks?


10 Years
Nov 25, 2009
Central Vermont
anybody got any tricks to jump start quail into laying season. I'v got a pair of bobwhites in my basement and I'm not sure if their too your or afraid of the power tools but they should be laying soon, but i want to make it sooner... yeah, i'm impatient.
Well, first off, a pair won't give you many eggs

Second, how old are they?
14 To 16 Hrs Of Full Spectrum Light A Day For Quite Some Time As Bobs Are Not As Quick To Lay As Coturnix. Offer Crushed Oyster Shell And High Protien Food To Help Condition Her For Egg Production.
I'm not looking for eggs to eat, I want to incubate, and get more quail and eventualy more eggs in the long run. Right now their under 15 hours of light and I'v been giving them crushed eggshell, I honestly don't know how old they are since I got them from a bird dealer who said "young" when i asked him for the age, but they are good birds. Does the light need to be full spectrum, cause right now they'v got an incandesant bulb, could that make a difference, idk they might just be too young.

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