egg washer?


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
I get about 6 dozen eggs a day, and the rules of my local farmers market say the eggs must be washed. washing 6 dozen eggs is a pain! There is an auto egg washer on murray mcmurrays website, but its like 150 bucks, and then another 175 for the compressor to wash it. Is there an easy way to build one of these, the sink and the counter i am allowed to use is in the laundry room, and its such a pain to wash eggs in a super low sink, bend and pick up slipery wet eggs and then turn all the way around and put them on a seperate self.. i need something new
72 eggs a day is A LOT OF EGGS!

If you can't use a stand up sink then someone's gonna have to come up with the $$ for the egg washer for ya.
I read on a site a way that they wash their eggs that are dirty... They took a three foot long piece of copper pipe and smashed one end flat to create a high pressure like spray nozzle. They connected to a hot water hose, put the eggs in an egg basket and "pressure washed" with hot water, then the eggs are dried with a paper towel and any remaining dirt wiped off. There are no chemicals or detergents, and the eggs do not sit in water. They also said that the small scale egg washers that are available require detergents, immersion of the eggs in water, and they do not clean the eggs very well.

Hope that helps.

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