Egg with no shell and a sick girl


Aug 4, 2015
Hoping some veteran chicken keepers can help me. I have a Golden Comet that's 1 1/2 years old. She's never had any trouble laying and has always laid consistently. Yesterday she was fine and right beside me in the yard and garden like always. She laid in her box as usual and nothing was out of the ordinary. Today however, she hasn't eaten a thing all morning. She is drinking. She's just laying beside the waterer when she's usually right beside me into everything. I have separated her from her flock mates. I have put Nutri Drench in her water. After separating her she laid this "egg" in the corner, walked back over to the water and laid back down. Any suggestions on what's going on or has anyone had this happen before? Thank you
Did you examine the egg more closely?
Cut it open and take a closer pic would help.
Any other signs of illness in the past few days?
she might need more calcium or she could be stressed and she wont eat so she isn't getting the nutrition she needs to build up the egg shell

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