Eggbound? Help!

My lavander orpington hasn't laid in 2 days but has been going in and out of the nesting box. I noticed her behind is bloody today. She's acting normal and eating. Is she eggbound? I just gave her a espsom salt bath. Help!
She's being pecked alright.

It's not as bad as it could be. I'd just clean it, apply (None pain Relieving)Triple Antibiotic ointment, & Blue Food dye to deter pecking.
I would spray her vent with saline or chlorhexidene and use plain Neosporin ointment on it twice a day after it dries. Hopefully her cloaca is not damaged. Vent pecking can lead to cannibalism and death if it goes too far. I would separate her inside a wire dog crate with her own food and water. Try keeping her with the others so that she can see them.
You're right, is there something I can put on it ? Should I keep her away from the other hens?
You could use Blu-Kote, it’s an anti-fungal and antiseptic spray for wounds and raw skin. It’s dark blue colored to camouflage the wound and prevent chickens from pecking at it. Some people say it works, but it can cause skin irritation. It would be better (and cheaper) to make it yourself by whisking several drops of blue food coloring (use vegetable-based dye), and several drops of lemon essential oil into a bowl of honey. You can apply it to the wound with a cotton ball or squirt bottle.

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