Eggbound?? [[PLEASE HELP!]]


8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
How do you tell if a hen is egg bound and what do you to to help them?!

I have a little d'Uccle hen that my husband said has been sitting on the nest all day and when he tried to get the eggs that the other hens laid under her, She didnt struggle and she just sat there in a trance while he was petting her which is NOT like her in any way!!
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Please help!
Is she broody and wants to sit on eggs? If I feel they are eggbound, I bring them in the house and put them in a very warm basin of water for a few minutes. Take out and dry off and place in a box or crate til they pass the egg.
I was thinking she might be broody but when he said she didnt move a muscle when he picked her up I didnt feel that was a normal trait of a broody.. She's my first layer so I've never had a broody before and she's only 7-8 months old.. How can you tell if their egg bound?
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Hopefully she is Broody. I can take eggs from a broody hen and they do not budge! If eggbound you may be able to feel a lump (the egg) and her bum may be swollen.

Let us know.

Sounds like the first time of broodiness. After a day or two, THEN they get CRANKY. lol, at least that's what mine seem to do.
I think she's broody.. I picked her up an she didnt move, theres no mass around her butt and its squishy.. He also has that puffy "im broody" look too here where it looks like she's trying to cover as many eggs as she can.. hmm.. Maybe I'll see if I can get some Serama eggs from a friend for her to sit on. Could I move her to a different location (like the brooder) if she just went broody? Or would that make her come out of it?
My egg bound girl fought back. My broody didn't. My vote is broody ....

Those broody hormones are pretty stubborn. Hard to break. If letting her brood is an option, move her, give her some eggs and enjoy the show!!

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