Eggbound, thoughts?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 21, 2014
Wauconda, Illinois
I have my year old RIR who hasn't laid 1 week. She was showing egg bound symptoms. I couldn't feel an egg, internally, or externally, but I'm a little nervous about pushing to hard as I don't want to break the egg if that's the case. I've soaked her in warm baths, did the steaming (put her on a warm towel in bathroom sink and let the shower run so the temp in the bathroom was 85-90). I've given her extra calcium, prep H in and around vent as it seemed swollen when I did the cloacal exam. My avian doc over the phone said possible prolapse, but wouldn't that be more obvious? Like her insides coming out of her behind? I've brought her in the house, she's been in a dark room with a heat lamp and food and water. She has been eating and drinking with no issues. Today she seemed more bright eyes and had no more watery poop. It was a normal poop as of today. But still no egg? Also to add, her abdomen is not swollen. What the heck can this be?!!! She was wormed with safeguard, so hopefully that rules out parasites. Not sure what else this could be? Her tail is up, but when laying in her box she seems a little poofed up, and seems as though she is in some pain. I know she is not broody as she shows no sign of broodiness. What else can this be?



I would probably put her back out with her flock as long as she continues to eat and drink, so her mates don't forget her. She may be laying internally, but just watch her since you can do much about that anyway.
I would probably put her back out with her flock as long as she continues to eat and drink, so her mates don't forget her. She may be laying internally, but just watch her since you can do much about that anyway.

Ok that's what I will do then. Her flock is only 1 other hen. Who could care less if she was there or not. She didn't seem to care at all that she was gone.
I'm sure this is an incredibly stressful thing that's happening, but I just gotta say the little chicky cuddled with the towel in the sink is really adorable ;(

Haha! I agree! I feel horrible she is going through this, but her sitting in the sink was to die for. She didn't want to get out!! I have a feeling she isn't going to want to go back to the barn! Lol she is having a ball being at home!:ya

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