

8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
My girl started acting a bit funny today. She didn't hang out with the others and sat in the grass and acted as if she was going to take a nap. I watched her for awhile and she would walk a bit and then do the same. I decided to put together the makeshift infirmary in the bathroom after noticing that behavior and her comb flopping to one side. I have fed her water with electrolytes and she is drinking and I also checked up her vent, but could feel anything (I went pretty far up). I put her back in the infirmary and approx 30 minutes later I went to check on her and she was sitting on this (see the picture). It looks pretty awful, besides being soft. Could this have been what was bothering her, or is this common after having vent palpitated?


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What is the size of this thing? It helps when photographing an unfamiliar object to put something familiar next to it for scale, a ruler, a quarter, a pen, etc.

My first thought is that this is pus from a reproductive track infection. But I can't swear to it. If the issue is a stuck egg, it isn't always obvious and easily felt. In my personal experience with my own hens, a stuck egg is usually not a single, but preceded by a shell-less egg. A hen can release two yolks in close succession but far enough apart to be separate eggs, not a double yolk egg.

This could be what we see here, although I don't see any yolk. Usually, when the egg behind it comes out, the hen recovers and feels much better. I give calcium citrate with D3 plus minerals at the first sign of trouble. This helps get the egg out.

If this isn't the issue, but rather an infection, your hen will likely pass another blob of this stuff and not feel any better. Then it will be a signal to start her on an antibiotic.
Did you cut it open by any chance? That will sometimes tell you if it's a lash egg or not. I thought my girl laid a lash egg, but it was just a shell-less egg. It took her a while to pass it, and she felt lousy until she did. I would do as azygous (a very knowledgeable person) suggested.

Keep us posted! I wish you and your girl luck!
Did you cut it open by any chance? That will sometimes tell you if it's a lash egg or not. I thought my girl laid a lash egg, but it was just a shell-less egg. It took her a while to pass it, and she felt lousy until she did. I would do as azygous (a very knowledgeable person) suggested.

Keep us posted! I wish you and your girl luck!

I agree 100% with you and azygous’ advice.
Well, I hope that's the last of it! Like it isn't hard enough being a chicken and near the bottom of the food chain. They have to be susceptible to all of these reproductive maladies. Poor biddies. :hmm

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