EGGCITED!! Ordered my babies yesterday!

Several people have raised incubator fresh chicks under the heating pad. If you go to the Mama Heating Pad in the brooder thread, a group of adorable little Cream Legbars that were just hatched today are shown enjoying theirs. Lazy Gardener is another one I can think of off the top of my head who used it for newly hatched chicks.

I don't set too much store by the temperatures under the heating pad - I let the chicks tell me what they need. Too hot and they won't go under, instead they'll huddle in a corner and cheep. If they are too cold they'll go under, but they'll be cheeping their "Doggone it, I'm cold" distress cheep. Someone (I think it was @azygous when she was thinking about doing this) asked what the temperatures were under the heating pad. I didn't know, so I put a thermometer under there to check. It was 82.5 in a 69 degree room. These are those chicks then:


Rather than further hijack the OP's thread, head on over to the Mama Heating Pad thread and we'll be more than happy to answer any of your questions there. If I'm not around, there are an awful lot of people who are using it and they'll be happy to help!
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Thanks so much!! I will try and get over to that thread! it sure seems A LOT BETTER than fussing with that light!Dog gone it! wish I knew about this earlier!! I just spent WAY too much on the adjustable heat lamp stand!!!! sigh.... Im still going to check it out! if it's in my budget I'd love to grab one! by the way, those chicks are soooo precious!!! absolutely adorable!!
I really like the suggestion that @Blooie made.
I just love Blooie's "cave", next batch I get I will try to use something like that, but I hope when the time comes I may have a broody to put them under.
i have 21 nuggets being shipped to me on Feb excited for them.

congrats on your nuggets...april will come soon enough though i know it'll drive you crazy with excitement till you have them as i'm having that feeling and mine ship out in just 11 days
I too am playing the waiting game on a few orders

I've got barred rocks and silkies...not together, mine are in different coops. But my 2 barred rocks are pretty mellow, they get along okay in a flock of of mixed large fowl breeds. I tend to sell off the more aggressive birds. The barred rocks will stand up for themselves, but they don't go picking any fights either. They were my first chicks so I spent ALOT of time playing, cuddling, and spoiling them. If I'm sitting on my stool out in the chicken run one of them comes over to check my pockets for treats and will sit on my lap and let me pet her. The other isn't quite as cuddly, she doesn't run and hide or anything but does not do the lap sitting routine. Every chicken has their own little personality!
I have 3 Australorps and one Barred Rock. They are all very friendly and spoiled rotten. The BR is at the top of the pecking order- she's the biggest. She doesn't really like to be picked up but will tolerate it. She's VERY food motivated and is always the first one to come running to me for treats.
I have heard that bantams and large fowl will not get along but it has to do with there personalities as well your two breeds are super sweet so I wouldn't worry about that

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