Egglaying, how long?


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Hi every one,
I have 3 pilgrim and a chinese geese and a pilgrim gander. Our girls usually only lay in March-April and only one of them is usually broody, the older of the pilgrims. I noticed we were down a few members earlier today and went prowling. I have three broody geese, one of which was sitting on eggs from our still-at-large escaped buff orphintons!
They were all hanging out three days ago, sans the older who will not get of her nest for anything even though we take her eggs, and now this! It's strange enough to have two of them go broody, but this late in our season is weirder yet! The only explanation I have is that they've gotten to free range, between the winter snow and the flash floods this year we just haven't been able to get our normal fences up. Is any one else having some odd behavior this year?
Oh Yes!

The weather has been like summer and an extermely dry Spring. Our proven 'Mother Goose' never laid and our other girls are all wanting to go broody. It'll be an early moult for them all here in the UK

That's good to know! Thankfully, disturbing the other two seems to have knocked them out of their broodiness. I'm going to chase the older one off her nest and take it apart. She's getting too thin and has been there for far to long. Especially since we aren't hatching out this year. She'll be mad, but then irritated is her default state so I don't think it'll affect much.

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