Eggs Air Sack Q?


10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
okay one of the eggs in the incubator some how poped open and sadly it had been developing but when i opened it the air bubble was on the tip and not on the fat end? is that normal because i thought it was suppose to be on the fat end?
were these shipped eggs? if so, that's easy.. the air cell was ruptured in transit. Happens all the time, chicks can develope in those eggs perfeclty fine and pip wherever the air cell is
Had to do it many times
Even if they werent shipped eggs, if the egg was bumped hard enough from your birds it could have dislodged the air cell. As for it popping, are you sure it was alive when it popped normally when an egg pops its because gasses are developing in the egg from the dead chick or rotting yolk. It could have started devloping then died.

Or if it really was alive when popped the egg may have had a itty bitty crack that the air cell being damaged seeped out of causing it toopen up is my only guess.
no it was alive because i opened it up to see what had happened and the chicks little heart was puping wich made me sad it was 4 days old. and yes they were shiped eggs!

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