Eggs hatching days apart


Apr 8, 2016
My eggs were due to hatch Monday and started on Tuesday. It is now Friday and still have random eggs pipping. Did a float test last night and still have 6 viable eggs. Why are they hatching so far apart and when should I give up on the other eggs that seem to be good but havent pipped
I assume all were set at the same time.

Could be cold spots in the incubator. I have a lg 10300 that is giving me fits with it temperature variations.

I would give up on eggs when I candle and see no movement. Usually I call them a loss at day 24.

But will candle just to be sure.
All set at same is day 25 and i have one pipping right now. I candled last night didnt see any movement but the float test showed 6 viable eggs. I was gonna give up yesterday but didnt because of the float test and now one is hatching. Im afraid if i give up too soon I will comit chicky long is too long in the incubator
I agree. It sounds like your temps are a little low to begin with and probably have various cold spots. The float test, unless you see eggs wiggle independently isn't much help. Any egg with a big enough air cell to hold it up will float. I don't hold out much hope after day 23/24 either. I wouldn't pull the plug on a live chick, but after day 23 your chances of development issues increases. The further you get from "hatch day" the higher the possibilities of unhealthy chicks. I call it when I candle and see no movement.

You can wait as long as you want. I'd candle and the ones that show no lifeand I would tape into the air cell to double check and proceed with eggtopsies.
I'm in a similar situation day 23 discovered thermometer reading was of 4-5 degrees (running low temp) since incubation started. These are dark maran eggs so I can only see big air cell when candling. Float test had 5 or 6 wigglers now day 24 no peeps or pips. Knowing they are alive but slowed by temps what to do?
I'm in a similar situation day 23 discovered thermometer reading was of 4-5 degrees (running low temp) since incubation started. These are dark maran eggs so I can only see big air cell when candling. Float test had 5 or 6 wigglers now day 24 no peeps or pips. Knowing they are alive but slowed by temps what to do?
There's nothing you can do but wait it out or give up. My very first hatch (before I knew how important it was to check therms-even new ones,) my thermometer was 6 degrees off and I didn't have a clue. I ended up with one survivor that hatched day 24 and one that hatched and died day 25. The survivor ended up having a leg problem that wasn't noticeable until later on.
Ok. Thanks. Anxiously awaiting my new arrivals and trying to hold onto hope. Already lost 13 of the eggs I set. Wishing for a miracle with these last 6
I held out and had one hatch at dsy 26...dont give up on them if they r wiggling...temp make a difference...good luck
I held out and had one hatch at dsy 26...dont give up on them if they r wiggling...temp make a difference...good luck
I know people that pull the plug at the end of day 22 regardless. I just couldn't if there's still life, I'd have to keep them going. Even knowing the further from day 21 the higher risk of problems.

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