eggs have an odor

Bookworm chick

10 Years
May 27, 2009
Salem County, NJ
I've just noticed this almost fishy odor the few days. I collect them daily and refrigerate them. There's no fish in the refrigerator that might pass the smell on to the eggs. I'm puzzled. Right now there's only three hens laying so we use the eggs up within the week they're laid. Any ideas or suggestions?
hmm, how much cabbage or strong like veggies are they getting as treats? certain foods can transmit odours to your eggs but you will have to narrow down what it is they are eating.

here is a link that tells you more about eggs and issues that might arise or even shell problems. Good luck. Oh btw, are you feeding them fish meal or cod liver oil? maybe check the ingredients on your feed and see if it contains fish meal.

Thanks Ema for the link. I bookmarked it.
The feed is Purina Flock Raiser. They've been on this feed since day one. The only treats they get is a couple of handfuls of sunflower seeds twice a day.
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Fred's Hens :

Stop using Flock Raiser for two weeks. Regular layer formula. By the time the two weeks is ending, if you notice the eggs have lost the smell, then you know it's the feed. Same with the seeds. Trial testing. You'll get right to the bottom of it. Simple.


Perhaps Purina has changed the formula/ingredients for Flock Raiser, or it could be the bag you have now, etc.​
Could your hens have got into an onion patch? Flax seed, as a poster above mentioned, will make eggs taste fishy (although in the right quantity, flax does add omega-3 to the eggs).

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