Eggs left in the cold


6 Years
May 20, 2013
My broody hen was sitting on eggs when we decided to move her to a safer, more protected spot. We moved her/them at night and I stayed with her a while to make sure she would stay with the new nest, but when we woke up, she had abandoned the eggs to move back to the old nest. I don't know how long the eggs were left, but it was very cold (around freezing.)
My son put the eggs back under her, but I don't think they'll hatch. What are the chances? They were due to hatch in 3 days when we moved her. She is still sitting on them. (They'd be due to hatch tomorrow.)
Sorry, odds are they died, but you never know, give them a few days before you decide they aren't going to hatch. I will wait until most of the eggs have hatched before moving the broody because they will often do what yours did. So sorry again.
Thank you. Lesson learned. We've never hatched before so won't make that mistake again. I hope they hatch but we'll see.
We have a chick this morning! I can't believe it. It's black and silver, with gray eyes. Wish I could post a pic, but the option isn't here that I can find. Hopefully more chicks to come!
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So adorable, the mom must of not been off the nest too long, and with the chicks being so close to hatch they must have maintained enough heat, I'm so happy for you, I did fear the worse, hope they all hatch.

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