Eggs of a shared nest


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
PEEPPS...R U Here? I have several different colors that free range. Seems that there is more than one laying in their "secret" nest (shhhh.) The eggs are of different colors & sizes. Does this have any corrolation to the parents' colors?
Each Hen will lay a similar size, shape and color egg specific to only her (it's called a Hen print)... but who laid which egg in your big pile would be next to impossible to tell unless you saw each Hen lay a fresh egg and could then then maybe ID each Hen to all the eggs that look like the egg you saw laid. I guess your best bet would be to mark all the eggs that are in the nest so you know they aren't the freshly laid eggs, and then spy on the nest (surveillance camera? lol) and watch for your Hens to lay fresh eggs and see what they look like so you can match up the Hens with the eggs.

Typically in my flocks... my speckled eggs come from my Pearl Grey Hens, and my 2 tone eggs come from Royal Purple Hens, all my lighter colored Hens lay some variation of a warm beige color, and my White Hens lay near white, matte finish eggs... but that can vary with diet and the time in the season it is. As far as shape goes, I've never paid much attention, just to the size. Usually my younger Hens lay noticeably smaller eggs than my older Hens do tho.

Zaz says her Lavender Hens lay Lavender colored eggs, and I've seen another person say her Coral Blue Hens lay blue eggs... but I have not noticed that with my flocks, yet.

Sorry I can't help more...
Good luck!

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