Eggs overdue!


7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
Hi all,

My button quail eggs were due last night. In 1 hour they will be 24 hrs past due. When I candle the air sack I can see the lil beaks has poked through and got there first breath of air. I have noticed that last night. But, till now they are still not pipping? Shall I be worried!?...
I want to start by saying I know nothing about button quail. But, I do know that you need to keep your hands off and leave them alone. Every time you mess with them, you're ruining the humidity and temperature that is *very* important to them at this stage. 24 hours overdue would not worry me. My Coturnix quail were two days late on pipping and they were fine. Once they have pipped internally (into the air sac) it could be quite some time before you see an external pip. Sit on your hands, keep the 'bator closed and wait! I know that's the best way to go, only from experience!
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I have one that is trying to pip out I see a tiny part of the egg that cracking from the inside. Hurry! Lol
Happy and excited to announce that all have hatched and are drying in the bator right now. One was faced the opposite direction and needed assistance due to not being able to zipp in that position.

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