Eggs that have frozen

I am getting a few frozen ones here and there during this cold spell (-20).

I was wondering if they were OK. There are some that are cracked - Like others, I've been cooking them for the chickens.

But I was wondering if the ones that are frozen but not cracked are OK to eat. I just clean the shells and put them in an egg carton with the others in the fridge. I'd guess they are fine.
I feed mine back to the chickens... let them thaw and since they're cracked, I put them in the microwave oven for a minute shell and all then chop them up and toss them to the chickens for treats....

I have frozen duck eggs mostly.... of course my girls are all spoiled with treats of all sorts.... day old bread, oatmeal, veggies but they seem to like the chopped eggs with the shells the best....

I scramble mine, then mix with crushed eggshells, rice, and a bit of yogurt. Then, I feed it back to the chickens. They go nuts for it
and it's full of calcium and protein.
im not even using mine knowing most likely they are frozen, the cracked ones I toss into the garden and the others I save and scramble up for the girls, they love them with some warm oatmeal.

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