Eggs, then nothing...


13 Years
Nov 5, 2010
Spokane, WA
My BR started laying 2 weeks ago, right at 18 weeks. Everything has been going great with her only missing every 5th day (4 eggs then skip one) ever since we started finding eggs. But, for the last 4 days...nothing! Wednesday morning I found the remains of a shell-less "paper" egg just outside of the coop door a few hours after I let them out and then this afternoon, I found a vaguely egg shaped "wet spot" in the coop below where she roosted last night.

What on earth could be going on? She has and eats lots of Oyster shell and gets her own shells served back to her in a yogurt mix with red pepper flakes on Kale. Her eating patterns haven't changed, she eats a ton and it "glides right through", drinks the same as ever... It seems she is losing weight though...

Is there something I'm not giving them that I should be? Or does this sort of thing "just happen" when they first start laying?
Are you only feeding her those things you listed? If that is the case I would say that is the reason. She needs more protien in her diet. If you are not going to buy chicken feed (lay feed) I would suggest canned cat food. She should start to gain weight when you increase the protien level. Good luck with your girl!

Oh, no! That was in addition to the feed they have down and available 24/7! She also gobbles up every meal worm I give "them", lol. The other 2 never even get a chance at the meal worms...

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