Eggs Too Old?


8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
The Carolinas
My friend gave me some eggs March 15th. I put some under a broody hen, and they're due this weekend. I had some eggs leftover, so I kept them on the kitchen bar in the egg carton, in case another hen went broody. Today, I have another broody hen, but now I'm thinking it might be too late to give her these eggs. The eggs are about 3 weeks old, and they have just been sitting there in that carton. If they're no good, I obviously need to ditch them; so options, should I try them under the broody hen or just throw them away? Thanks!
If they are the only eggs you have access to right now and you want to try your broody, I would candle and check them, and if they looked OK go ahead and give them to her, why not, some may still be good... some broodys collect darn big clutches and the older eggs they set on would be about that age and some of them still hatch.... just candle them in a week or so and toss if they aren't developing.
If they were too old, why would you throw them away and not just eat them?

Why would I eat old eggs?

If they are the only eggs you have access to right now and you want to try your broody, I would candle and check them, and if they looked OK go ahead and give them to her, why not, some may still be good... some broodys collect darn big clutches and the older eggs they set on would be about that age and some of them still hatch.... just candle them in a week or so and toss if they aren't developing.

Thanks, I think I will give them a try and candle them in a week.

I have other eggs, but I'd rather hatch these, if they're still good.
Three weeks isn't what I would consider old eggs, considering they stay good on the counter for up to 6 months. "Old eggs" make the best hard boiled eggs.

That may be true, but I'll pass. These are small bantam eggs anyway. I have a couple dozen large eggs in the fridge currently. If anything, I will do the float test and scramble these for the chickens to eat.

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