eggs with pimples? question about eggs looking weird. .. help..


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
ill let u know a little on the back ground of my hens right now..

there hasnt been any change (i dont think) but in the past two weeks some of my eggs are looking werid.

i have 6 laying hens. two golden polish, 2buff orpingtons, 1 RIR, 1 barred rock

(i have 13 week olds but they arent laying yet)

ok. for some reason.. one of the eggs are speckled.. has freckles all over it.. i dont know who lays this egg, and why all of a sudden.. everyone requests it.. its kinda cute.. has alot of freckles on it.. who lays spotted eggs out of what i have?

also, this is the weird egg... it has the growths,, pimples on it.. what causes it? they are bumps that stick out on the egg.. i think its the RIR.. because its a dark egg. it use to not have these... whats wrong with her?

nobody wants to buy that egg,, its gross. so i dont know what to do..

my hens are free range on 9 acres
The eggs are normal. Sometimes I'll get an egg with freckles for a while and then they stop then they show up again. The little bumps are nothing more than calcium deposits. Both very normal and natural in the world of hens and eggs. Enjoy the eggs yourself. They are perfectly fine.

Raise chickens long enough and you'll see all sorts of things that appear to be 'odd'. They are only odd because non-blemished eggs, perfectly white and conforming to size are what people are used to seeing in the stores.
thanks prissy!!
Here's a weird one....apparently because it dried on the ground! Same as the smaller one beside it.
The big girls are upset at a new hen coming into the flock.
It is also too big for the carton!

I have gotten eggs like that before but they came from an older hen that I had I don't know what causes it but the eggs are still good
This is the 3rd extra large egg the sex links have layed, they started laying about a month ago. Ouch huh?!
and yep double yolkers!

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