Egyptian geese..


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
I need some general info on Egyptian geese. I just got a pair in a package deal and need to be educated. I'm not 100% sure that I am going to keep them either. How much do you think a pair would run? ANY info will be appreciated!
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I had a dealer in TX offer me first choice out a flock of 39 birds for only$40 each. They are supposed to be very aggressive to other birds, mamals and humans.
The guy I got them from had them at pasture with his chickens, ducks, other geese, and goats. And I have done the same with them, Ive seen no aggression and neither did he. Thats one of the first things I asked him because I have small kids...I have picked them up and they have never offered to bite.. But anything is possible.....Any more info is appreciated...Thanks so far;)
hmmmm....all the Egyptian geese I have seen are pretty agressive. I had a pair that killed a full grown Sebastopol goose then they broke into a call duck pen and tried to kill them. They also attack children during breeding season. I would not trust them running loose around young kids. Others have the same problems. alot of people keep them locked up in secure pens or house them away from other birds.
When you posted this I did a lot of reading about them, and everything I read said the exact same thing about them being aggressive. So yes, I would be very careful. Mrs. Turbo's post insures that I will never have them.
I think they are only about 5-6 months old, so i dont think they are old enough to breed yet. that may be why they are not agressive yet...maybe....I dont know.. Im still
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