Eimeria (Coccidia) in Adult Chickens

I thought I'd post a followup for anyone interested. I treated the hen with Duramycin. She was separated from the flock but within eyesight so she was agitated and didn't want to eat or drink normally so itt was hard to get her to drink the medicated water. Unfortunately I wasn't able to house her safely anywhere else. The first day and the last day I dosed her with a syringe to be sure she was getting a realistic dose.
I did allow her to return to the coop at night and I had cardboard below her spot on the perch so was able to gauge her progress. She also used that last hour of her day to eat and drink with the flock. I felt she needed the food and water even if it was unmedicated. I also gave them all probiotics via kefir, once during her treatment and a couple of times later. By the end of the week her poop was back to normal. She hasn't begun to lay again yet, but hopefully she will. With the days getting shorter I may have to be patient. She was a very good layer before going broody, getting sick, and then molting.

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