Either I'm just lucky or we are doing something right :)


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Really - I mean, besides 2 losses due to power outages on cold nights when they were still in the brooder...EVERY chicken is still alive and healthy outside and doing pretty darn well! PLUS I have a friend that conned me into splitting a batch from Meyer with her
a few weeks ago now and they are also thriving in the brooder as I type (she just couldn't pass up the 80 cent "surplus" broiler special, but didn't want 25...so I have 14 now)! In that group, there was one DOA (but they had sent one extra anyways) and one runty one that died...no one else have been lost and hers are doing just as good as mine are!

I really was ready for more of a challenge with the broilers - but so far besides being a tad stinky compared to other chickens, they aren't so very bad at all! Maybe a little smallish because I don't always keep their feeder full for 12 hours and I am sure the colder temps are affecting them more and causing a bit slower growth rate as well...but they aren't what I expected either!

They eat grass and chase any bugs that roam through the tractor, they all seem to enjoy dust bathing and stretching out in the afternoon sun to warm themselves, and they are so close to being ready for freezer camp I can taste the chicken already!

I've really been surprised by them, and have enjoyed the experience - I know broilers aren't for every body - but here they will be a regular thing from now on!
Thanks for posting that... I usually only read horror stories regarding meaties! Good for you- enjoy the BBQ!
I got the .80 broiler special also, and have put them outside already. Its been getting cold at night, but they are doing just fine.
I'm also glad to see someone else having a good run with them. I always have low mortality rates and while they're NOT the most active of birds, they do move around some during the day, if just to find a better spot to lay in the sun
Glad to see this. My experience this summer was good as well. I loved my meaties and won't hesitate to get more next year.

I sometimes wonder how the people who hate them and have lots of issues are raising them.
Sowdershomestead - That's part of why we went ahead and plan to do as many broilers NOW as we can! We know during the summer it's just going to be WAY too hot - and while we have a few friends that show and take it UBER serious even providing air conditioning...I plan on saving all the AC for me
Actually, I want to get the freezer full of chicken, rabbit, and pork before June if not May - duck too once I get ready for that and we always have turkey in there
That way all I have to worry about during the hot months is milking the goats and making soap and cheese and ICE CREAM!!!
I don't wanta be out there doing ANY processing, feeding, cleaning, etc for meat type critters from June - August...I plan to be in the house sipping on iced tea and crafting in the AC

Renee' - I haven't given up
I have noticed them seem to have growth spurts just like everything else...they all kinda look the same for a while...then you notice DARN! They GREW! Then no change...then a spurt
I know they will get there...I just think mine are doing it a tad bit slower than they possess the ability to and I admit, it's my fault for not keeping the feeders fuller - but hey, I take the good with the bad

Mine are pretty good movers - they do their fair share of laying around - but the dog, goats, or a horse will come up to the tractor and provide a little incentive for them to scoot along to the other side...then back to the side they were on...and so forth through out the day...they aren't running AWAY from things, they run TO them! These little vultures are SO hungry, they approach everything that gets close as though it brings food! I have one goat that seems to get a kick out of the game...she approaches...waits...and when all the chickens are right there nose to nose with her...she RUNS to the opposite end of the tractor...waits...and repeat! I've even caught her on top a few times looking down at them...and I think she was laughing...kind of evil...as she stood over the chickens and they all waited underneath her looking up...

I know...I'm a nerd...but I LOVE to watch them interact and they seem so responsive to anything that moves (in hopes of more or better food I'm sure)...they have provided hours of entertainment as well!

notice I type a lot today? yup....I'm avoiding work...gotta get to work and get the kitchen cabinets stained...avoiding it like the PLAGUE!
I think it all boils down to expectations and commitment. We just got a mini farm in Tennessee and jumped right in. Luckily my wife and I both have farming experience and we have 3 boys that are excited.

I'm a research nut. I read and read and read. If some one has done it successfully I'll replicate it. Luckily I have family to ask questions to and a neighbors who do this for a living.

You just can't buy any animal and not raise it as it should be. Meaning proper feeding practices and appropriate housing. You'll definitely be disappointed.

I originally ordered 15 CX's from Meyer. The hatchery is 500 miles away and because I live 20 minutes away from anything that resembles civilization it took 4 days to get my birds. I had one DOA and 3 others died in the first 48 hrs. After doing research and asking questions on this blog the reasons pointed to the length of travel. I'll now purchase my birds locally. I didn't bash Meyer for it. They gave me a credit. I found out what could of caused this and will make the proper adjustments.
I totally agree with everything - except when it comes to the travel time I do admit, I think we just got lucky maybe
We are in Texas - which is 1200 miles from Meyer and 1000 miles away from Welp - both batches had 2 losses each - but I'm not knocking either for it. My house is 19 miles from the post office (not to mention the nearest gas station!) I made sure to get them straight home, and right away gave them sav-a-chick vitamin water and got them nice and warmed up - and really, either I was lucky, or the vitamin water made a BIG difference! I'm only 128 miles from Ideal...but I just CANNOT make my Ebeneezer Scrooge self cut loose the extra $12 for the exact same order...can't do it...so I will continue to take my chances I think on the places a little farther away as long as the prices are still competitive and the weather isn't too bad...but I really am just like Scrooge and tight to a fault at times
Even loosing 2 chicks each time, I'm still ahead of what I would have paid closer to home

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