Elderly Woman Taunted and Bullied by the Teens she was Supervising

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"If I acted that way at school trust me the punishment at home would be a lot worse than an apology letter.  Kids know what they can get away with."


And as far as apology LETTERS?? Give me a break, they didn't have a problem bullying her to her face, they should be made to apologize to her face. That is the LEAST they should do.

Lastly, I am glad for the outpouring of support for this woman. However, the vacation fund to me is just another sign of the times. I wonder how many of those opening their wallets for this lady have ever opened them to feed a hungry person or opened them to help pay for health care for those UNABLE to pay for it..... To me, just another sign of the times.

I'm going to stop now. I'm sounding ranty even to myself!
I can tell you that if anyone ever pulls that @#^& on me, I'd definitely defend myself. With most people, whether kids or adults, the -idea- of physical retribution, presented in a calm, focused, intense way, is enough to put a would=be assailant in line. I know from experience. Unless the troublemakers are psychopathic or sociopathic, they WILL respond to a verbal warning accompanied by a penetrating stare and the right body language.

Human beings, like wolves and other social species, are "wired" to back down if their bluff is called.

Beyond that, kids are always searching for and testing boundaries. They want to know what the limits of behavior are. It's obvious that they aren't getting that education at home so they are out of control. They were testing that poor woman the way they would test other kids, treating her like just another kid in their pack order. They need to be put back on track before their behavior escalates into true violence and criminal activity.
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"If I acted that way at school trust me the punishment at home would be a lot worse than an apology letter. Kids know what they can get away with."
And as far as apology LETTERS?? Give me a break, they didn't have a problem bullying her to her face, they should be made to apologize to her face. That is the LEAST they should do.
Lastly, I am glad for the outpouring of support for this woman. However, the vacation fund to me is just another sign of the times. I wonder how many of those opening their wallets for this lady have ever opened them to feed a hungry person or opened them to help pay for health care for those UNABLE to pay for it..... To me, just another sign of the times.
I'm going to stop now. I'm sounding ranty even to myself!

A very good point!
I think that the woman responded to the situation perfectly. Now I would like to see the parents of the children involved drag their children by their ears and have them publicly apologize to that woman.

If I had done that, my father would have done exactly that very thing. But the apologizing would be the easy part, the worst was to come when we got home.
Had that woman got up and started whacking them kids it would have ended. She was being attacked folks!!  Now any parent that would come along and sue the woman or the school fits my definition of  "liberal".  Kids need effective discipline and they have taken that away and replaced it with psychology.  They are reaping what they have sown.  The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

How can you blame a parent when society takes away the right for you to raise them as you seem fit?  although some blame is appropriate.  If I acted that way at school trust me the punishment at home would be a lot worse than an apology letter.  Kids know what they can get away with.

Thai you are right after your kids enter the public school system you had better entrenched your moral values and discipline because they will be challenged and you will also by those charged with giving your kids an education.

I have seen this behavior on a city bus before and the cops were called.  And the kids were taken to jail.

I believe we need disciplin in our schools instead of a "Talk Nicely", "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" or a detention. That never works. It happened to ME! I would love to have seen that woman slap all of their faces. All I sayin is that our schools NEED TO PUNISH THE CHILDREN. A slap on the the hand or the face would work. That would put a end to that behavior right there. And if it dosnt work, pull them by their ears to the office and make it their problem.

P.S. I'm a teenager that was raised on disciplin and won't stand for bullies. Ive gotten several detentions and a couple suspintions(spelling) for hitting a kid up side the head for pickin on someone.

the bullies also teased her about how her kids would kill themsevles just to get away from her F>>>A.well,turns out her son did commit suicide.right then and there,i would have beat all of them to a pulp.

if i had done that at 13-14 my legs would have been full of welps from my grandmas switch.you just don't talk to grownups that way.
that is the reason that today my son will not ride a school bus,because i know i would end up in jail for beating up some punk.

reminds of Tyler Perrys Madea when she is on the bus,we need more of that.
"i'll be waitin for you @ 3 o'clock"
it's not just a lack of discipline, though God knows that it's lacking in a lot of kids lives. Honestly, the thought of speaking like that to someone else would never have crossed my mind. Now, growing up, I knew that if an adult (teacher or other authority) was in the wrong in their treatment of me, my mother would back me up. If I was in the wrong, however, she would take no excuses from me. And if I had ever decided to lie about how they were treating me, then my punishment would have been doubled.
I raise my kids the same way. They don't have to sit quietly and take mistreatment from authority, but they do have to always treat them with respect. I also expect them to be respectful in how they treat other children. Again, it's not just a matter of discipline, it's a simple matter of being a civilized human being.

One of my daughter's classmates was buried last week. He was 17 years old, committed suicide. It wasn't the first time that he had attempted it. This time he had broken up with his girlfriend. In the weeks since, he received a dozen pages worth of texts and facebook messages from her and her friends. His parents went to the police but were told that kids will be kids. She told him "if you really loved me, you'd kill yourself and not just talk about it" "are you going to kill yourself and save the rest of us from having to deal with you?" "geez, do we need to buy the rope for you?" "you're worthless. a failure. you can't even manage to die right" she even made arrangements to meet him in person to make up and then ridiculed him for showing up.

Yes, he had a history of depression. But doesn't that make it worse what they did? I hear a lot about "sticks and stones" and that a healthy person wouldn't commit suicide because someone was "mean" to them. Society used to say the same thing about rape. If she wasn't dressed like that. If she wasn't in a bad part of town. If she...... and women felt ashamed of what happened. They didn't go to the police, not because they were afraid of the criminal coming after them, but because of what their neighbors would think of them.

Bullying today is at that same point. Yes, some of these kids are depressed; they may have mental issues or other factors that cause them to think of killing themselves. But society's response to the bullying just tells that the bullies are right! "You're not normal. Something is wrong with you. Normal people wouldn't be upset by someone's words." Why would they come forward to seek help that isn't there? Instead, of punishment for the bullies we have ridicule of the victims. Until that changes and we make these kids responsible for the outcome of their actions nothing will ever change.
Why isn't some socialogist jumping all over this phenomenon? I mean, aren't the colleges producing them by the droves to make us a kinder, gentler, more compliant society?

Lots of angles to look at:
Are they single parent homes run by women
How many of them have bought into the entitlement mentality of free stuff from the govt.
How many of them reject the Bible and Christianity, because its precepts are just too restrictive
There are no winners and losers, just participants
There's no right or wrong, black and white, good or evil...Everything is a shade of gray.

Oh, good grief, I just described the liberal mindset. Go figure.
Folks seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions.
How do you know their punishment at home isn't more than just an apology letter? How do you know, for sure, that your children are respectable people when they are outside your supervision? How do you know that the people donating to this woman don't donate to other causes? How do you know anything other than what has been reported?

From all I have seen surrounding this, the adults responding to the situation are just as terrible as the kids. The kids from this school, not even involved in the incident, have been receiving threats of injury and death, and their parents have been harassed with the same threats. That's not adult behavior, nor is it productive behavior.

IMO, 'My kid would never...' is one of the biggest white lies parents tell themselves. After a certain age, you no longer have control over what your kid will do with their life. You can hope that they will be good people, teach them to be respectable and upstanding, but ultimately it's up to them to decide who they are. Even if you were a good parent, your kids can still turn out to be unsavory people. It's not bad to have hope and to try your best to mold your child into a good person, but telling yourself 'My child can do no wrong' is merely lying to yourself.

While I agree that schools should have a better punishment system in place, I don't agree that physical punishment should be dealt by teachers. Before you tell me corporal punishment was in schools before and everything was fine, I'm going to tell you to not romanticize the past. Schools can barely adhere to their own rules as it is now, do you honestly believe they will enforce corporal punishment fairly?
Each generation seems to get worse and worse.

I read the Bible a lot and one of the themes that is revealed in scripture is the further man moves from God the worse man gets. Raising kids in a godless society produces exactly the child the Bible says it will create. Now before someone says "well then all kids raised in a godly home should do good" we all know that that is not the case but when a child is taught right from wrong they now posess the ability to make the right choice based on a higher power than themselves not from a tradition where before without that revelation they will draw from society or what another man says or worse from thier own idea of right and wrong.

These kids behavior does not surprise me one bit and I will bet it will get worse before it gets better.
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