Elector PSP as a preventative


Sep 5, 2022

My chicks will soon be old enough to go to the outside coop. I’d like to use Elector PSP as a preventative in the coop for all the nasty pests. The bottle shows different ways of mixing it depending on the pest type. What dilution should I use? How often should I apply it? Will rain wash it away? Thank you in advance!
Have you seen these nasty pests? Or are you simply assuming your coop is running rampant with them? Have you identified any pests actually in the coop?

A long time ago, I had only just started keeping chickens. I was pretty clueless in those days, just starting out on my chicken learning curve. One of the first things I learned was that I no longer needed to worry about most of the insects occurring naturally on the premises. Rather than immediately resorting to insecticides, I could mostly let the chickens take care of the insects. Searching and destroying insects is, after all, what chickens were invented for. Baby chicks are born to this. They will know an insect when they see it and be happy to chase it and eat it.

As far as Elector, you may safely use it in the coop as long as you let it dry before installing the chicks. I mix it at a ratio of one rounded teaspoon of Elector to one gallon of water. One application should be adequate per season.
Thank you for your response! No, I haven’t seen them, except for flies. My chickens aren’t even outside yet. I would just prefer to avoid issues if possible. 😊

When you say “season,” you mean like spring, summer, etc? Does rain affect it at all? Thank you again for the help! 😊
One treatment per year. Sunlight affects Elector more than moisture. The Elector residue lasts longer in treated areas that do not get sunlight.

It likely would not be an effective fly control, though. It will be effective on coop mites if you have those. It will be effective on darkling beetles which can harbor bacteria.

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