

10 Years
May 26, 2009
Would electrocution be a viable way to kill a bird you intend to eat? What would one use? A car battery, or is there a source one could use that would be safe and effective? Would that be a cruel way to end a chickens life?
oh my gosh!
In assuming that your question is serious; I will say that cutting their head off takes a split second, if it's the birds pain, fright and confusion you are trying to spare nothing could be faster or more effective. If you would like to see the effects of electrocution by car battery get yourself on down to the dog track, then make up your mind.
Thanks guys- I hadnt really thought it out when I posted. Totally forgot about bleeding it out.

We just processed our first bird- we decided to go the pop-n-chop method. Swung the bird high by its feet and popped its head against a wooden stump, then while it was unconcious, we chopped its head off. I was suprised at how little the body twitched afterwards. It wasnt the funnest thing to do, but once it was dead, we kinda got into the experience. It is our first time, so its like exploratory surgery. We didnt do the best job, and it wasnt a super sterile enviroment, so I am just going to boil the body and feed it back to my flock. I cant see wasting it, but I dont think it would be a good idea to feed it to the family at this point.

I think we will be having quite a few fresh chicken dinners to look forward to this winter!
12V will not kill the bird. Plus it will stop their heart and you won't get a good bleed out, cut the artery to the brain.
they stun poultry in the UK (among other places) so you aren't that far off. like others may possibly be insinuating, it is all about the appropriate voltage to ensure an adequate stun without killing the bird (stopping it's heart). if you can render the bird unconscious and still get a proper bleed out than that is up to you whether you deem it humane or not.
Being electrocuted is not the most pleasant thing to have happen. My mom's ex was an electrician, and got zapped many times by many different things. He said it hurts, and can burn the skin too.
From what I've been told electrocution is how the big plants kill them and that is why the bones are dark ,from the blood settling around them.
I agree with Kate................ the simplest sometimes is the easiest for a reason.


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