Emaciated Easter_Egger


7 Years
Nov 16, 2014
Rockport, TX
I have a sweet chicken who I have had only minimal worries about until yesterday. She is 10 months old and nicely feathered out. I found her on the coop floor and she aparently had not roosted during the night and could not hold herself on the roost. I brought her in to isolate her and then realized that she was very weak and boney. I offered her some high protein crumble mix with wild bird seed and pellets. She ate, drank, and rested. Her poop is watery and mostly undigested feed. Any knowledge on this situation?
I offered her some high protein crumble mix with wild bird seed and pellets. She ate, drank, and rested. Her poop is watery and mostly undigested feed.
Can you post some photos of the poop?

Check to see if her crop is emptying overnight. Work on hydration first, then offer a wet mash made with the crumbles. Leave off the wild bird seed for now.

Hard to know what's going on with her, but look her over for lice/mites, injury, for bloat or feeling of fluid in the abdomen below the vent between her legs.

Has she been laying eggs? Is she molting?
Any chance she ate moldy feed?

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