Emergency! Baby Chicken hurt bad. Need answers fast!!


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2019

Hello, my name is Angel. Early today a baby chick left her cage and got trapped between two wooden planks. She got stung by a lot of red ants and I believe she broke a wing and both legs. I don't know what to do, these are not my chickens. They are my parent's and they are gone for a week. I don't have a car to take her to a veterinarian. Right now I have her under a heat lamp and I gave her lots of water which she drank. She won't eat though. The first image was when it barely happened to her and this second image is her now
She keeps chirping and she seems frightened. When I try holding her, she pecks at me. I'm still trying my best though but what can I do to make sure she survives. Please help!


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I'm sorry that this happened to you! Fire ants are known to be deadly to baby chicks. I have never had this problem before with my flock. All I can say is I hope that someone comes along to help ASAP!
Are you keeping the chick warm under a heat lamp? I would mix some chick feed with a lot of water to make it runny, and offer her some to her beak with a medicine dropper. Do not pour it into her beak, but let her take a little at a time. She may have been stuck and the ants may have hurt her, but she still could be revived. If her legs are just sore or had a lack of circulation, they may be okay after some time. A chick chair made out of homemade items (a piece of T shirt material and a small box or cup) can be used to sit her up and get her in front of food and water. Here are some examples:



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Are you keeping the chick warm under a heat lamp? I would mix some chick feed with a lot of water to make it runny, and offer her some to her beak with a medicine dropper. Do not pour it into her beak, but let her take a little at a time. She may have been stuck and the ants may have hurt her, but she still could be revived. If her legs are just sore or had a lack of circulation, they may be okay after some time. A chick chair made out of homemade items (a piece of T shirt material and a small box or cup) can be used to sit her up and get her in front of food and water. Here are some examples:

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Hello! I have done as you suggested and she seems to be eating well and drinking lots of water. She can't walk at all and if she stands, she can't get back up if she falls. She still puts up her wing but she moves it up and down sometimes. I tried putting her back with her mother but her mother is neglecting her right now. Do you know what I can do now? I'm worried that she won't be about to walk and that her mother will stop caring for her. I'm so thankful for all the help you've given me. Thank you so much!


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She's doing a lot better now. She's walking, eating, ready to get out of the heat lamp but I'm going to keep her here for one more night. She has her foot clenched when she walks so she's not fully recovered. Thank you all for the help! :)
I am glad that she is recovering. Can you give her some B complex vitamins 1/4 tablet daily or NutraDrench? The riboflavin might help the clenched toes. You can continue them if you put her out with the other chicks as well. Let us know how she gets along.
:) This is great! I'm so happy you were able to help this little guy with help from BYC! I felt so sad as I started reading this thread and was afraid it would not have a good ending. Good for you!
I am glad that she is recovering. Can you give her some B complex vitamins 1/4 tablet daily or NutraDrench? The riboflavin might help the clenched toes. You can continue them if you put her out with the other chicks as well. Let us know how she gets along.
Hello! I'll look into buying those tablets for the chicks. I'm happy to say that she's fully recovered and she's walking fine now. I put her back with her mother after I was 100% sure she was fine. She's now with her sisters and I've made sure to move them to a different location so they can't escape and get stuck again. Thank you all for the help :)

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