Emergency chick need help!

Great point! If you can, see if you can find Poultry Nutri-drench either at your super market or the feed store. It is a superior formula that gets right into the chick's bloodstream. It will definitely kick start the little guy's system.

You can mix some into the water and let all the chicks drink it. The water should look like weak tea.

I also like to sprinkle some of the Nutri-drench over whatever you're feeding the chick.
Okay so I hope it's not too late but here's what I would do and it has saved several of our runty/ill chicks get some raw egg yolks just the yolks and break them open use a dropper or small syringe either just barely in their beak or on the side of it and very carefully try to get them to drink some of it. I read that it is very easy for them to digest since they're already living off of yolk from hatch. I have used this with a little oegb that couldn't stand and couldn't hold his wings up and I have used it to save chicks that had cocci(with added corid)

Note* have paper towels handy the egg yolk gets very sticky also be sure to wipe it off the chick's beak or the others will try to help him clean it off. Also be sure to allow him water after the yolk. Sometimes feeding it off your finger instead of the syringe helps more too.

I highly recommend trying this along with the other suggestions posted here. Good luck and please keep us updated
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Alright guys update little guy is still alive just went to Walmart bought a big bin pedilight went to tractor supply got another lamp and bulb and his own little waterer he's just laying on the straw in the brooder I made for him not doing much he will stand if I touch him and drink if I assist him was supposed to go out to the movies with my girlfriend she thinks I'm crazy spending 75 bucks to save a 4 dollar chick I tried to put a few docile chicks with him but they just kept stepping on him so I'll just give him pedilight every hour or so by hand should the pedilight be straight or mixed with water sorry for no punctuation I'm just going a 100 miles an hour trying to save this little guy
He's a lucky little guy to have you!! I sure hope he makes it. Your not crazy, if he was my chick I'd do the same things! :)
I agree I would totally do that if it was my chick too. When I had three chicks with cocci I got up three times at night to check on them and give them some of the egg yolk mixture. Mixing the egg yolk with some electrolyte powder worked great for me. Also try feeding him some warm moistened feed(crumbles)-make it into a little pyramid they find it easier to grab and are more likely to eat it like that. Use just enough warm water to dampen the feed and and make it soft replace it regularly with fresh. I like a small container lid for that purpose. The pyramid shape also helps to show if they have eaten any of it. My chicks and chickens go crazy for moistened food. (Idk if this is a good idea though if you are using medicated feed)
Update guys. Sorry to say but little guy died 30 min ago. I hope I didn't keep him alive longer while he was suffering. But he didn't die alone. And I did everything I could. I gave him a proper burial just now. I hate losing any animal but sometimes there's nothing you can do. On a happy note all 31 of the other chicks are great and happy. So it was a long day but I don't regret helping the little guy. Thanks for everyone help and support. You all are great and wonderful animal lovers like me. Happy to a forum with such great people. Thanks again.
Update guys. Sorry to say but little guy died 30 min ago. I hope I didn't keep him alive longer while he was suffering. But he didn't die alone. And I did everything I could. I gave him a proper burial just now. I hate losing any animal but sometimes there's nothing you can do. On a happy note all 31 of the other chicks are great and happy. So it was a long day but I don't regret helping the little guy. Thanks for everyone help and support. You all are great and wonderful animal lovers like me. Happy to a forum with such great people. Thanks again.
You did the best thing for the chick.

hoping that the rest are ok!
Sorry to hear about the little one. I think the best thing was to try to save him. I know that doesn't make things any easier but don't beat yourself up. That chick was just too weak and probably had something wrong internally with how you described its vent.

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