Emergency- Chicken vomiting brown liquid (does not have any odor)

Another thing I do is hold the chicken and rock her up and down like a mother rocks a newborn baby after feeding. Get her moving up and down to let gravity help stimulate the system.
No, no. Please... I’m summoning an expert bc this is terrible advice, I’m sorry.

@Wyorp Rock

Your opinion is welcome. The chicken has already vomited the contents of her crop once or twice according to OP. She needs honey and oil to stimulaye her system and this can be fatal overnight. Sometimes in emergency you have to have the option as a last resort. Even with treatment this may not be treatable and vomiting again won't kill her.
Crop impaction you can easily feel for. Gizard impaction is deep and blocks the whole digestive tract.

Okay, you are bordering on an emergency since it started this morning and hasn't improved. Chickens can die and suffer from this in short time.

You can do the above advice and wait to see if the crop goes down in the morning, which would be indicative that the gizzard is freed up somewhat and she will live.

Option 2
Or you can tip her forward to dump some of the liquid out of her crop or whatever liquid is in there to make room for some oil and honey mix. I know people won't like emptying the crop but the idea for the oil and honey is to loosen the gizard and stimulate the ball of grass to move. When crops are full of water it's very common to just tip the chicken a little bit forward and the crop will empty. Since its mainly water this is not so bad. Just be cautious of her airway she needs to breath in between dumping out the water.

Up to you now that you know what you are dealing with. Her condition is very dangerous and any sign that the digestive system is moving is good, but the vomiting indicates a full blockage in the gizzard.
I have already tipped her just slightly forward for a couple seconds quite a few times today and lots of liquid spills out. Despite her drinking hardly any water she continues to balloon up. I am just not understanding where the liquid inside her is coming from if she is not drinking.
I have already tipped her just slightly forward for a couple seconds quite a few times today and lots of liquid spills out. Despite her drinking hardly any water she continues to balloon up. I am just not understanding where the liquid inside her is coming from if she is not drinking.

It's in her crop. Nothing is going past her gizzard. If you can get oil and honey in there that is going to potentially save her. The oil to loosen the grass and the honey to stimulate. Your choice Jen. Let her rest and hope she passes the grass, or get a better mix of medicine in her crop to give better odds of saving her.

There may be more massaging and physical therapy type ideas.
If you do decide to medicate, I like the idea of warming the mixture slightly that the article gives. Warmer oil will make it lower viscosity. Even do extra oil. I said 1/1/8 mix but try 2mL oil to 1 mL honey to 7mL water mix heated to warm temperature and then stimulate her by rocking like a baby.

Edit: i hope your bird passes her blockage and that someone else can help you with ideas.
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I would read this article completely, including the comments section. @azygous has gone into detail about how to treat crop issues.
It can be risky to syringe oils into a chicken that has fluids spilling out of their beak. If possible, I would try to see if she will willingly take chunks of coconut oil instead. I wouldn't massage the crop either if all you feel in there is liquids. She may have a blockage somewhere else in the system, hopefully the oil will help get things moving.

Do keep in mind that very often there is an underlying condition that is contributing to crop symptoms. Reproductive disorders can be common, worms, infection, etc. are some other conditions to look at as well.
Rosemary has made it through the night though she is not looking any better today. She is very lethargic and having trouble standing. I just let her rest with no food or water in the night. About 2 hours ago we tried the 2 tsp of cold coconut oil and massage. The crop DID seem to go down a bit. There is no hard lump but I can definetly feel something fiberous (long grass) and something grainy. About 1/2 hour ago I gave her some scrambled egg with extra olive oil on it and some plain probiotic yogurt. She ate about a 1/2 tsp. She is looking very puffed up and lethargic again now. The fluid has seemed to build up again in her crop. She is also super gassy. I can hear loud gurgling and gas coming from her. Though still no odor at all to her mouth and no odor yesterday to the liquid she spit up.
Should I move to sour crop treatment now since there doesn't seem to be a hard mass or wait until all the stringy fiberous feeling stuff and liquid has moved out of her crop?
Yesterday her poops were very yellow with some grass pieces (second photo). Today they are liquid yellow, dark green and some black.


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Rosemary has made it through the night though she is not looking any better today. She is very lethargic and having trouble standing. I just let her rest with no food or water in the night. About 2 hours ago we tried the 2 tsp of cold coconut oil and massage. The crop DID seem to go down a bit. There is no hard lump but I can definetly feel something fiberous (long grass) and something grainy. About 1/2 hour ago I gave her some scrambled egg with extra olive oil on it and some plain probiotic yogurt. She ate about a 1/2 tsp. She is looking very puffed up and lethargic again now. The fluid has seemed to build up again in her crop. She is also super gassy. I can hear loud gurgling and gas coming from her. Though still no odor at all to her mouth and no odor yesterday to the liquid she spit up.
Should I move to sour crop treatment now since there doesn't seem to be a hard mass or wait until all the stringy fiberous feeling stuff and liquid has moved out of her crop?
Yesterday her poops were very yellow with some grass pieces (second photo). Today they are liquid yellow, dark green and some black.
I would not worry with food, but do make water available during waking hours.
Maybe Carol (@azygous ) will chime in, but when I've had one that was gassy, I did begin treating for sour crop and impacted crop in addition to the coconut oil. So yeast medication, 1 stool softener and coconut. Up to you to really decide if that's the route you want to take - my hen was not well so I took a chance to see if that would relieve her symptoms - it did help, but it was not overnight or miraculous. Crop symptoms can take days to resolve so you have to be persistent. Success is also dependent on the cause of the symptoms to begin with. My hen was "better" for several months, but did eventually decline and needed to be put out of her misery. In her case a reproductive disorder was the underlying condition, evidence of this was found upon necropsy.

I would read this article completely, including the comments section. @azygous has gone into detail about how to treat crop issues.
It can be risky to syringe oils into a chicken that has fluids spilling out of their beak. If possible, I would try to see if she will willingly take chunks of coconut oil instead. I wouldn't massage the crop either if all you feel in there is liquids. She may have a blockage somewhere else in the system, hopefully the oil will help get things moving.

Do keep in mind that very often there is an underlying condition that is contributing to crop symptoms. Reproductive disorders can be common, worms, infection, etc. are some other conditions to look at as well.
I would not worry with food, but do make water available during waking hours.
Maybe Carol (@azygous ) will chime in, but when I've had one that was gassy, I did begin treating for sour crop and impacted crop in addition to the coconut oil. So yeast medication, 1 stool softener and coconut. Up to you to really decide if that's the route you want to take - my hen was not well so I took a chance to see if that would relieve her symptoms - it did help, but it was not overnight or miraculous. Crop symptoms can take days to resolve so you have to be persistent. Success is also dependent on the cause of the symptoms to begin with. My hen was "better" for several months, but did eventually decline and needed to be put out of her misery. In her case a reproductive disorder was the underlying condition, evidence of this was found upon necropsy.
Ok thank you! Going to give her the laxative and the yeast meds today...do you give them at the same time or space them out. Laxative first and then yeast med a few hours later?

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