Emergency! Dosage for Baytril pills


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
I just took a duck to the vet a few days ago for respiratory issues and they prescribed Baytril pills 22mg 1/2 a pill two times a day to be basically pushed in her bill. I only got one pill in over the course of a day and she died. Now another duck who was always with the duck that passed is having symptoms that lead me to think it is pasturella and not a respiratory infection. She is a two year old Saxony, and is larger than the other duck was. I still have 9 22 mg pills left and was wondering if I should give them to her and what the dosage should be. This is my last bird, she is so stressed from losing all of her flock mates to either predators, illness or us having to move that she hasn't been laying in awhile so I am not worried about egg contamination, I just really want to help her. She has green watery droppings but no raspy breathing or nasal discharge like the other duck had. She was quacking a weird quack yesterday when she was swimming and had her beak open a bit then but then she stopped. She seems like she is a bit shivery so I have her in a warm place, I am treating her feet with Vetericin and saline as she had what looked like the potential start of bumble foot. I just can't afford to go back to the vet again till payday but I am not sure I I should give her the Baytril.
I am speaking with the vet now but they are basically refusing to tell me anything until I bring her in for an appointment
Without an examination the vet is not going to assume this sick duck is suffering from the same illness. (Smart vet.)

He wants to make an informed decision, especially since the other duck while under his care. He is only protecting his reputation.
Well he said it sounds like URI with the weird quacking noise she was making in which case Baytril would still be the go to
@Scarletpyxi , sorry for you loss... The duck that died, how much did it weigh? Tell me how much it weighed, how much the newly sick one weighs and I tell you how much your vet would probably give it.

The dose is somewhere between 4.5 to 9 mg per *pound* per *day*. If I were going to use the pill I would give 4.5mg per pound twice a day, but that's just me.

@casportpony I am having issues now getting her back into the vet in time to get her more pills, hubby's manager at work decided to not input his hours and he didn't get paid. Of course this has to happen right now >.< we delayed an evening dose last night till this morning to try and drag out the pills we have left but now only have four pills left and I am pretty sure that won't be enough so she gets the full course of meds to get rid of the URI. I know you usually need a prescription and I can't get one quick enough now, I have been frantically searching for a place that will ship fast enough to New England but everything is in California and now that it's Friday nothing will get here fast enough either, if you could possibly give any advice via pm or email I would be so so so appreciative. I just have no idea how long she should probably be getting it and if she needs more . The prescription for the other duck was for ten days of treatment. She seems to be turning around now and I would hate to have it be all for nothing, we really love this duck and the whole situation is heartbreaking at this point.
Do you have a tractor supply in your area? They carry antibiotics for farm animals. Also some pet stores have antibiotics for birds and fish. A duck is about the size of a parrot. Usually bird antibiotics are put in the water. You might not find Baytril but maybe tetracycline or something like that.
@casportpony I am having issues now getting her back into the vet in time to get her more pills, hubby's manager at work decided to not input his hours and he didn't get paid. Of course this has to happen right now >.< we delayed an evening dose last night till this morning to try and drag out the pills we have left but now only have four pills left and I am pretty sure that won't be enough so she gets the full course of meds to get rid of the URI. I know you usually need a prescription and I can't get one quick enough now, I have been frantically searching for a place that will ship fast enough to New England but everything is in California and now that it's Friday nothing will get here fast enough either, if you could possibly give any advice via pm or email I would be so so so appreciative. I just have no idea how long she should probably be getting it and if she needs more . The prescription for the other duck was for ten days of treatment. She seems to be turning around now and I would hate to have it be all for nothing, we really love this duck and the whole situation is heartbreaking at this point.
Baytril Sources:

No prescription needed. Any pigeon breeders or cock fighters in your area? They usually have Baytril or Cipro, either could be use.


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