emergency - hen suddenly can't stand, head tremors, lethargic


Apr 28, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Hi all,

Found a hen sitting down outside 20 minutes ago. 2 hours ago she was fine.

She can't stand, when I tried to support her she seems super weak and floppy. Her comb is turning purple and she's having head tremors and breathing very heavily. What could be going on?

I do have a mareks positive flock - but she was perfectly healthy 2 hours ago. This couldn't be mareks could it?
How is she doing now?

Has she laid an egg? Can you feel for one?

Head tremors and heavy breathing, she may be suffering from symptoms of Marek's, but I'd check her for lice/mites, see what her crop feels like and look her over for any injury.

Bring her in and work on hydration. I'd also start her on vitamins that have E and B1 or you can give those individually (400IU Vitamin E and 1/4tablet B-Complex). If she's not laid an egg and should have, then get extra Calcium into her as well.

Is there any chance she ate something moldy, rotten or toxic?
Have you added any new birds recently?

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