(EMERGENCY) Hen with broken egg inside body

I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.
update: she now acts completely normal. she even flew up to a countertop in the room she was in to sleep because of her instincts. I was wondering if I should put her in the coop again, just to see if she would instinctively feel normal again and maybe even pass the eggshell she hasn’t passed yet. It’s about 50 degrees F right now, so it’s not cold but not hot

Or, do i keep her in the warm room over night and bring her out into the run in the morning? This is her poop right now (solid poop) verses the poop she had when i brought her home from the vet. She has improved greatly. I also noticed she doesn’t poop when she’s cold aka when she’s put outside.


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The poops look pretty normal now. There may have been no shell, it could have been an egg that had membrane only. Or another bird might have eaten it, they do that. You can put her out with the others, just make sure they accept her and don't attack her since she's been separated for a while. If that happens you will need to integrate her more slowly. Just make sure the complete antibiotic treatment is finished, don't stop that early.

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