Emergency - Lethargic, Non responsive Chick and Brutalized Rescue Chick


7 Years
Mar 19, 2013
Upstate NY
We just got back from the local feed store where we had two sickly chicks dumped on us.

The emergency is about 5 days old, breed unknown. It is lethargic and appears unable to walk. It can move its wings, but is unable to stand, and only tries when prompted. We have to hand-water it, and it drinks readily when water is close enough to its beak. It has no outer signs of injury, and chirps but only when prompted.

The other is a 7 day old California White pullet. She's doing very well now and has latched onto me as her daddy (and cries when I'm away, like right now). For some reason the other chicks attacked her, leaving on wing slightly damaged, and the other raw and bloody. She is eating and drinking fine, but I just want to know what to do about her wounds. I'm also a little worried about her being the only chick, as our other chicks are fully feathered and nearly ready to go outside, and I am afraid the sickly one will not make the night. Will she be alright on her own so long as I spend plenty of time with her?

Also, I am worried about the sickly chick. We have no other room to keep it in, so it is in the same room as our 2 month old pullets, and in the same heated bin as Amy, the California pullet. We have no way to quarantine it, so I am worried. My mother ignored all of my insisting on separating it from Amy.

Any and all help appreciated!

The sickly chick just suddenly convulsed quickly and passed away. It was very quick, for which I am relieved.

Amelia is...suffering from separation anxiety, apparently. I have an important project to work on so I can't be downstairs with her, and she's crying something awful. When I got down she nearly throws herself into my arms. Not sure what to do about it.
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So sorry about the other chick! Glad it was quick, at least. It's so sad when you lose one.

As for Amy, are there any other chicks at the feed store? You might try getting her a few her own age. If that's not an option, are there any hens you have who either have chicks that age (ish), or who are generally very tender towards younger ones? You could try putting them together if you have a dog crate or a refrigerator box (or anything else that size).
I'm afraid to introduce another chick until her wings heal up, and at the time our coop is 100% full, meaning we barely have room for one more hen in with our 7 bantams and 11 full-sized hens.

None of our hens are gentle-natured with younger chicks, and our older chicks are much too big to put her with. She's doing well today and enjoyed her trip around the house. She actually flew into my hand when I took the top off of her tub. We've raised solo chicks before when we ended up with a sickly rooster, and he did alright (though, he ended up being an awful roo). We've also introduced solo hens into the flock, as we ended up finding a stray hen at one point.

My main concern is keeping her from becoming depressed...can chicks become depressed without other chicks? She seems to enjoy being able to hear the older chicks chirping at her.
I think they can become depressed without other chicks.

I had to separate out a chick once because she was pecking at one of the chick's eyes. For the first day, she spent all her time slumped up against the edge of her cage, screaming. Then she just stop stopped screaming. I became so concerned that I put her back in despite my concern for the one chick's safety.

If you are so concerned, maybe get a very small chick, and pick out one that isn't really very hyper. Like a bantam who after watching for a while in the pen seems to be a bit timid.

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