emergency medical kit contents


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
I am on a mission to compile a list of info and items to have on hand for my chickens. I have a huge amount of items in the barn for horses and goats but not for the chickens. I am curious for what you all consider to be the "must haves" in your med kits. I have a great vet who will allow me to purchase emergency meds to have on hand as I live pretty far out in the willy wags
Curious to know what you all have on hand and for what purpose. Thank you in advance!!
Wound powder, poultry electrolytes, BluKote in ointment and the runny liquid, popsicle sticks (?), aspirin (?), some injectable antibiotics, sports tape (human first aid tape doesn't breathe enough for vet use), vet wrap.
wood&feathers :

Wound powder, poultry electrolytes, BluKote in ointment and the runny liquid, popsicle sticks (?), aspirin (?), some injectable antibiotics, sports tape (human first aid tape doesn't breathe enough for vet use), vet wrap.

name of the antibiotic?

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