Emergency of a different kind - flypaper and chicken feathers....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 27, 2009
Southern New Jersey
So it seems my girls are now big enough for their backs to hit the fly paper when they roost for the night and I'm guessing you all know what's coming next...

I got the flypaper untangled mostly painlessly from my Australorp but now she is COVERED in the sticky flypaper goo. I need to take care of before she gets it on others and/or gets nasty stuff stuck to her.

Baby oil and then a bath? I hate to do it but I think it's better than the alternative. Thoughts? Suggestions? Been there?

HELP! (and thanks, as always!)
I've had this happen a few times.

I've never done anything to try to get the goo off, but I've never had one that I would call "completely covered", either. They've been wrapped up pretty well and had the stuff on their feathers, but it's never caused a problem. It just wore off through dust bathing and normal chicken activities.

Sorry to not be of much help - just wanted to let you know it's happened here, too!
Thanks SIMZ - glad I'm not the only one! I did end up bathing her - she was just covered in the goo and I couldn't stand the thought of all the nasty things that might get stuck to her and then stay there in the heat. She dust bathed today and now she's just as if it never happened.

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